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Carrie Rikon & Associates

To help your resume be at the top of the pile, we have created a special partnership with Carrie Rikon & Associates.

We want to help both you and Carrie’s team present you in the best possible light and help you get the job you deserve.

Entry Level

Fewer than 5 years work experience




Over 5 years experience

Moving up in same field or industry


Career Shift

Moving from one industry or career type into another




Looking for

Sr. Director, VP, President or C-Suite position


Submit your resume using this form.

Full Service Packages include:

Free Resume Analysis

Find out how your current resume would score with ATS and Recruiters.

Two (2) resume versions: ATS & Visual

Having a plain version of your resume is vital for ATS, but in person, you need a little bit more.

LinkedIn Profile Assistance

We’ll assist you in creating a profile with keywords to get you noticed.

Job Search & Interview Tips

The resume is your sword but to slay the dragon, you need to know how to use it.

Cover letter template & instructions

A generic cover letter does more harm than good. We’ll teach you how to write one that makes you stand out.

Sample Thank You letter

The art of saying Thank You seems to be lost these days. We’ll show you the right way to help get the second interview or the job!

Inclusion in Recruiter Network Database

We have built a network of over 2,000 recruiters across the country who all have FREE access to our database.

2-year $50 update guarantee

If we completed your resume but now you want to take the next step in your career, you’ll want to update your resume with the newest position and achievements so you can be “headhunted” by recruiters.

Additional Services for Resume Packages

* Fees apply as stated

Customized Cover Letters & Resumes (Add-on Service)

In-depth research into position listing & company

Customized resume summary and skills section

Targeted cover letter

Tips on who and how to contact

$65 per customization

Interview Preparation

How to use your resume in the interview

How to answer questions about job gaps or missing skills

Building self esteem

Body language

Mock interview

$65/hr with resume package

$95/hr Stand alone

Career Coaching

Help with finding the right career

Recommendations on education updates

Building towards management

$95 per hour with resume package

$125 Stand alone